Partha Banerjee Mumbai - Good Cholesterol vs. Bad Cholesterol - How to increase your good cholesterol

 When we hear the term cholesterol, we think of a sticky substance that builds up in our bodies. Cholesterol isn't necessarily harmful. There is actually a form of cholesterol that can help improve your health if you consume the right amount.

Cholesterol is often criticized, but it is vital for the proper functioning of your body. Cholesterol is used by the body to make hormones and vitamin D. It also aids in digestion. Your liver does produce enough cholesterol to support these functions, but your body doesn't get cholesterol from it alone.

Cholesterol is also found in meat, poultry, and dairy products.

HDL versus LDL Cholesterol


HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is a healthy cholesterol. It is helpful in removing bad cholesterol. This cholesterol lowers the risk of developing heart disease.


Low-density lipoprotein, also known as LDL, is considered to be a form of bad cholesterol. It forms within your blood vessels' walls. It causes narrowing of passageways. Sometimes the waxy substance can form a clot, which can get stuck in narrowed vessels. This cholesterol is bad because it builds up clots.

Atherosclerosis is a buildup of plaque in your arteries due to too much cholesterol. This can increase the risk of blood clots developing in your arteries. If a blood clot in your brain or heart breaks free, it can cause a stroke or heart attack.

Plaque accumulation can also affect blood flow and oxygen delivery to vital organs. Along with a stroke or heart attack, oxygen deprivation can also cause kidney disease or peripheral arterial disease.

There are several ways to lower LDL and increase HDL.

  • A low-fat, healthy diet low in saturated fats and trans fats is key to heart health.

  • Regular exercise and getting more active are key.

  • Maintaining a healthy weight.

  • Smoking cessation.

  • Based on known risk factors for heart disease, such as age and family history, medications may be prescribed.

How to deal with high cholesterol?

These lifestyle changes are often recommended by doctors to lower cholesterol.

  • quitting smoking

  • A nutritious diet

  • Regular exercise reduces stress.

It is sometimes difficult to change your lifestyle, especially if FH is involved. One or more of these medications may be required:

  • Statins may help your liver remove cholesterol.

  • These drugs bind bile-acid to your body and help you use more cholesterol to produce bile.

  • Cholesterol absorption inhibitors stop your small intestines absorbing cholesterol and release it into your bloodstream.

  • Injectable pharmaceuticals that increase the amount of LDL cholesterol in your liver.

High cholesterol can be a sign of concern. It is usually a sign of trouble. High cholesterol is not a guarantee of stroke or heart disease, but it should be treated.

Partha Banerjee Dubai states that if your cholesterol is high, you will have a lower chance of developing heart disease or stroke. Lifestyle changes that lower cholesterol can also be beneficial for your overall health.

How can you prevent high cholesterol?

Living a healthy lifestyle can help you maintain a healthy cholesterol level and reduce your risk of stroke and heart disease.

Healthy eating choices

Your body makes all the cholesterol you need. You don't have to eat cholesterol-rich meals. High levels of saturated fats and trans-fat can lead to high cholesterol and other health problems like heart disease.

Keep a healthy weight

LDL (bad cholesterol) levels are increased by being obese and overweight. The amount of body fat you have can affect how your body uses cholesterol. It also decreases your body’s ability to remove LDL cholesterol. This combination can increase your risk of having a stroke or developing heart disease.

Engage in regular physical activity

Dr Partha Banerjee Dubai recommends that adults do 2 hours and 30 mins of moderate-intensity exercises per week, such as biking or brisk walking. A minimum of one hour of exercise per week will help you maintain your healthy weight.


Talk to your doctor if you are unsure about your cholesterol levels. This is especially important if you have a history of high cholesterol and heart disease. You can reduce your cholesterol by taking action as soon as you know what your levels are.



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