How to Take Care of Yourself After A Kidney Transplant?
Dr Partha Banerjee UAE shared if you were under observation ward or have been discharged recently. Patients are seen eating food regularly while a proper urination. Leading a life followed by a kidney transplant differs, you experience a new life where you work, and follow routine activities. Along with all these, we have to take good care which becomes a must to avoid unwanted diseases, after a kidney transplant, nurses and doctors prescribe some medicines.
Keep Dressing Clean
If any soakage or blood discharge happens, it is recommended to take good care of your health. Meet Partha Banerjee Mumbai today to reflect on growth. Following a kidney transplant, you are advised to eat healthily. Slowly, increase your diet while keeping the room clean the whole day. When your body excretes regularly, this is when it signals us to make alterations.
Intake A Proper Water
Once kidney installation is done, a heavy portion of urine is released from the body, nearly 5 liters. With dialysis, you are advised to drink less water which becomes difficult. Professionals suggest proper water intake as it is necessary otherwise your body witnesses excessive amounts of dehydration.
Restrict Visitors
When people come to your place to interact with you, it is advised professionally not to call too many people at your home. As they can carry unwanted infections along with them, so avoid accessing meetups. People may include relatives, friends, and family.
Avoid Junk Food
The next important thing is, don’t eat junk food from outside such as in hotels and other unhygienic places. Prefer restaurants that are clean and hygienic.
Distance Yourself From Pets
In the house, if you have unwanted pets, like birds, cats, etc. From these, try to stay strictly away from them. Many times these stray dogs bring unnecessary worms and infections with them, which to transplant patients can be proven dangerous. In a transplant patient, many immune separation takes place which reduces the overall immunity of the body. When there is a decrease then, infections which usually don’t affect the body suddenly have the potential to develop the potential to affect overall health. Which is why it’s important to stay away from random animals.
Indulge In Physical Activity
When you get a new kidney transplant, you face pain in walking or moving. Even if you develop such a situation, try walking or moving. Prefer to walk regularly at home, don’t sit on the bed the whole day! By sitting in bed the whole day, there is a possibility of you experiencing pain for longer days and your recovery can also be delayed in such cases. Whenever you get some time, try rambling and walking in or around the room. Slowly and steadily, as time passes from the day of a kidney transplant, start light exercise, walking, or spending some time on a treadmill at a low speed or stretching. As more time passes, say 1–2 months, you can start doing aerobic exercises in the gym or after 2–2.5 months you can start weight training. Important is that you continue doing physical activity on a regular note, don’t let obesity and weight gain take a toll.
Smokers & Alcohols
Many people are smokers. Just a few days before a kidney transplant quit smoking. Are seen drinking alcohol. After the transplant, remember smoking is not at all allowed. With smoking, your chest might develop endless infections. So no reasoning will work from your side, moreover avoid alcohol completely. As many medications prescribed to patients that work alongside, alcohol in the middle causes unwanted problems. Talking more on it, even though in Western countries where alcohol consumption is at its highest level, patients deny and continue consumption. Still, Dr Partha Banerjee UAE recommends, maintain distance from different types of addiction be it alcohol, smoking, and others.
When Should I Contact Doctors?
Some symptoms and signs are there that tell when to contact a doctor. After getting discharged from the hospital, where doctors and nurses prescribe medications and hospital visits. First of all, when you feel pain on the operational side or swelling, then contact the doctor on an urgent note. Secondly, if any type of wound discharge occurs, be it blood or water, then immediately contact healthcare professionals. If urine becomes way less than usual, compared to the time of hospital discharge, or high-grade fever comes, then immediately contact the doctor. Apart from that, any type of problem such as breathing problems, usually occurs if kidney function lessens or pneumonia or chest infection develops. Remain in contact with doctors. If you get persistent vomiting or diarrhea, then you have to contact doctors. Apart from all this, if kidney there is slight rejection or infection, you face pain or problem, then consequent time we can detect it early
Drill To Follow
Always, on holidays you are advised to take weight measurements for the body. Always prepare a weight chart, noting morning or evening weight. The time you go to a follow-up visit, you are recommended to show recorded measurements to the doctor. Maintain a necessary chart about daily water intake and urine output. And on every visit show it to your doctor. Thirdly, if you get a fever, take the temperature at different times daily and show the doctor. You can take the temperature or make a chart recording the same. At home, if you have high blood pressure, check your blood pressure, in the morning and evening. At home, if you have a sugar machine or are diabetic or obese then you check your sugar levels at home conveniently so if a disease occurs, you can immediately spot it. Pulse and saturation can also be checked at home. By doing so, check if there are any problems. Doctors like Dr. Partha Banerjee Dubai get a lot of help from these, doctors can detect problems fast and treat them immediately.
During discharge, the nurse explains all medications properly, so at this point, you must remember all transplant medication names, and doses thoroughly. Be mindful about when to take. When to intake, and how much to intake, is another important concept before memorizing the right set of medications. Skipping medication is not something that is recommended. With every medication, there are different side effects, and having good knowledge about it is also important. While leaving, understand all points at what time, and what medication is to be taken. Understand what number of doses to take medication from. And what side effects are there? Don’t miss any dosage at random, if you miss a dose contact a doctor in no time, says Dr Partha Banerjee Mumbai.
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