If something other than love is making you heartburn, it’s time to check into some natural ways to relieve heartburn.

What is indigestion? After you consume the burrito, your body is intended to take over, leaving you with nothing except the memory of that cheesy, bean-filled goodness. But heartburn makes it impossible to forget.

Your esophagus, the tube connecting your mouth to your stomach, is in charge of rhythmically moving food into your stomach. Digestive acids and enzymes begin breaking down food as soon as it enters the stomach. Since stomach acids are meant to digest food, they are fairly potent, but your stomach has a unique lining that shields it from acid damage. You experience burning in your throat when you have heartburn because some of these stomach acids, known as acid reflux, travel back up into your esophagus. some suggestions from Dr Partha Banerjee UAE

Baking soda

Because you are not a cake, you’ll notice that we used baking soda instead of baking powder. Totally natural and affordable is baking soda. Put a teaspoon of baking soda and a cup of water together. Baking soda will assist in neutralizing acid. Note: If you’re on a low-sodium diet and using baking soda, talk to your doctor.

Aloe juice

Most grocery stores sell aloe juice. Aloe Vera is used to treating sunburns on the skin, and aloe juice can help treat irritation brought on by acid reflux. Get in the habit of drinking a half cup of aloe juice before meals if you frequently get heartburn to keep your stomach and esophagus comfortable.

Sugar-free gum

Increasing saliva production after a meal is a fantastic approach to help reduce acid production since saliva helps to dilute acid. For reduced heartburn, try chewing on a stick of gum for 30 minutes.

Apple cider vinegar

This one is really simple. Are you aware that antacids occur naturally in bananas? Start eating a banana every day to reduce acid reflux. You can substitute an apple if you don’t have a banana.

Quit smoking

Here’s another reason not to smoke if you still do it. If you smoke, it will hurt everything if you’ve noticed that your acid reflux has gotten worse because smoking irritates the esophagus.

Lifestyle changes

Small dietary adjustments and an increase in physical activity may help to reduce heartburn if you are overweight. Eliminate foods like fatty or spicy foods, coffee, chocolate, or carbonated beverages, to mention a few, that make you experience heartburn. Eliminating these from your diet may completely solve the problem.


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