10 tips to stay healthy this summer by Partha Banerjee Dubai

10 tips to stay healthy this summer by Partha Banerjee Dubai

Here, summer has arrived along with its striking effects. Unfathomably high temperatures have a negative impact on our health. Heat stroke, sunburn, dehydration, and other ailments are all consequences of the intense heat.

In the face of unpredictability, extreme vigilance is imperative. Making the most of your summer vacation is the main objective of this site. Make the decision to adopt a healthy lifestyle, break negative habits, and change your previous eating habits. You must prioritize your health and make small changes in every area of your life if you want a fitter body and a better you. According to Dr. Partha Banerjee Dubai, take charge of your health and you'll see a difference in a few months.


Partha Banerjee Dubai recommends some tips to enjoy a healthy and safe summer.


1.       Keep yourself hydrated


Water is highly important since it moisturizes your body and regulates all of the bodily functions. Avoid consuming extremely cold water.


2.       Consume Seasonal fruits and vegetables

Consuming just seasonal summer fruits and vegetables this summer is crucial since they are loaded with properties that help you battle the heat. Oranges, mangoes, watermelon, and muskmelon are examples of summer fruits. Pumpkin, bitter gourd, bottle gourd, cucumber, and other seasonal summer vegetables are among them.

3.       Take steps to avoid heatstroke

Another significant risk that older people face during the hot summer months is heatstroke. The main factor making elderly people more susceptible to this is that their bodies do not respond to temperature changes as quickly as those of younger people. High temperature, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and confusion are all signs of heatstroke.

4.       Summer skincare

Your skin develops rashes, prickly heat, and fungal illnesses throughout the summer. Twice daily, take a bath, and if necessary, use a medicine powder.

5.       Protect your eyes

To protect your eyes from the harsh sunlight, wear protective eyewear both at work and during leisure time. When going outside, put on sunglasses that block at least 99 percent of UV rays.

6.       Avoid eating spicy foods

In the winter, hot and spicy food is a pleasant reprieve, but in the summer, it can be disastrous for your stomach. The body warms up internally to cope with high temperatures. Acidity is a result of internal heat and is frequently made worse by spicy foods. It is better to eat less greasy and spicy meals to reduce gastrological diseases.

7.       Get enough rest

The long, weary summer days. You must obtain adequate sleep to reduce fatigue because your schedule may alter throughout the summer. Experts in health advise 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night. Additionally, you should eat small meals in the evening to aid digestion and prevent any disruptions to your sleep.

8.       Don't Push Yourself

While regular exercise is essential for good health, summertime overexertion should be avoided. Take a pause or divide your day's activities if doing home responsibilities is wearing you out. Keep your workout light.

9.       Wear Comfortable Clothes

Even if you are staying in, dress comfortably in loose cotton. Avoid wearing anything made of synthetic materials.

10.   Prevent Over-Intoxication

Everyone wants to enjoy themselves over the summer, which is understandable, but there should be a limit on the quantity of alcoholic beverages drunk when out with friends. Overindulgence can be bad for your health. Due to increased sweating and urine, drinking alcohol in the heat can cause serious dehydration.


Our total well-being depends on both our physical and mental well-being. Medical professionals also advise light exercise and meditation for a healthier body and a peaceful mind. Use these 10 straightforward suggestions from Partha Banerjee Dubai to be safe and healthy throughout the sweltering summer months.


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